Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hump Day 10K

Last night was scheduled to be a 6 mile run, so basically a nice little 10K. Being the OCD person that I am, I spent most of my day obsessing on which route I was going to run. In the meantime, I managed to eat 2 pieces of pizza, an avocado egg roll, two mozarella sticks and a salad for lunch. It was from BJ's and it was free so what was I supposed to do? I wasn't quite sure how that was going to work out for me later on. Fast forward to the evening. I decided to run right after Mark got home. 6 miles should take me about an hour, just enough time for dinner to be made. Yay me! I took a route that I had gone on before, but I did it backwards this time. It ended up being more like a 7 mile run, but that's alright...I had plenty of calories to burn. The rest of my evening went like this: Finished my run --> inhaled dinner--> ate ice cream--> got heart burn--> took tums --> took shower--> took more tums--> moaned myself to sleep. This will probably be the last time I eat buffalo chicken pizza on the day of a run. I am happy to say that my average pace was 9.57 minute miles. (The below calculation didn't take into consideration all the stop lights I had to wait at) IF I can keep up that pace for the entire Half Marathon, my finishing time would be about 2 hours and 6 minutes, which is 9 minutes faster than my goal time of 2 hours 15 minutes. Keep your fingers crossed!
*****UPDATE - Approximately 6-7 people are out sick today, which has been apparently caused by food poisoning from BJ's.*****

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